Omega Concentrate User Guide: Functional Detox Products
What results can I see from taking omega 3s? Having enough omega-3 fatty acids in your system can to wonders for your inflammation and pain levels. It helps your body remove waste and helps keep your hormone balanced. To learn more about the benefits, please see this article here.
How should I take the Omega Concentrate? We recommend taking your omega-3s daily, two softgels per day. You can take them both at once, or split the dosage. Take with meals.
How much should I take? Work up to taking at least two capsules daily, for best results. If you are fighting an illness or inflammation, you can take extra, too.
What are possible side effects? This supplement is very safe if taken correctly. If you no longer have a gallbladder, you may have a harder time digesting fats such as this, so if you have any trouble, just pair this with a good gallbladder support. You can review our guide of general supplement side effects and solutions here. If you believe you are experiencing side effects, please email