Constipation is a common symptom in modern life, affecting up to 27% of the population, and it's common after toxic mold exposure. Coach Micki says she sees in about 90% of the time on our clients! If you are not dealing with constipation as a symptom, you may have loose stool or nausea. But why is this happening?
The thought of a coffee enema might leave you in shock, but it’s actually a practice that has been used for thousands of years. I’ve seen the correct implementation of coffee enemas truly transform energy, gut health, antioxidant status and more. Learn the right way to do a coffee enema!
I love castor oil because it is a simple, versatile solution. Learn my top tips for using castor oil to support digestion, keep your hormones happy, help you detox, improve circulation, and so much more!
I was never a coffee drinker-it was way too intense for me. And then COVID happened, and somehow in the boredom and lack of options, I started consuming way more caffeinated tea and even coffee. Why am I sharing all this? Because I actually switched to low-mold coffee only when I needed low-histamine coffee.