Alexx Stuart

Living Low Tox with Brodie Welch & Alexx Stuart

Alexx Stuart is the founder of Low Tox Life and she’s our guest this week talking to Brodie Welch about toxins and good eating habits.

Click here to download an mp3 of "Living Low Tox with Brodie Welch & Alexx Stuart."

Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 03:00 Introduction to Alexx Stuart

Min 06:10 Alexx's introduction to naturopathy

Min 09:45 Fragrances, phthalates & hormone disruptors

Min 14:50 The skin & absorption of chemicals

Min 17:00 3 steps to reducing toxin exposure & Alexx's recommended products

Min 25:50 Other sources of toxins

Min 30:00 Substituting plastics to reduce toxin exposure

Min 31:15 Endocrine disrupting chemicals

Min 33:30 Alexx Stuart's work & coaching programs

Min 34:30 Thrive - improving children's eating habits


Brodie Welch is the host of the podcast ‘A Healthy Curiosity’. You can find her on her website here and on social media:



To learn more about Alexx Stuart, visit her website here and follow her on social media:




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This episode was originally featured on Brodie Welch's podcast "A Healthy Curiosity" here.


Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative