Finding Wellness in the Workplace with Rachel Wagner


I got a request for a show about health initiatives in the workplace.  At first I had no idea who to invite, and then I thought of an old friend, Rachel Wagner.

Rachel has been an active person since childhood, and got a graduate degree in Health Promotion within the field of public health.  

Her first job out of graduate school was with a consulting firm to help businesses of all sizes get healthier.  She never pictured herself in corporate wellness, but she learned a lot.

She now runs wellness programs at a local liberal arts college, and finds her busy, young students have many of the same challenges to health as office workers did.

Rachel observed that people were most successful in improving their health when they made small steps.  She also saw that when health initiatives came from within the employee population, those worked better.  And when there was some kind of community accountability or reward system, that element of fun and togetherness helped people reached their goals.

A big thanks to Rachel for coming on the show, and a big thanks to our subscribers- we love you!

You can listen and comment below, and be sure to subscribe to this podcast, with a new expert interview every Tuesday, on iTunes or your Android podcast player.

Episode style:  Conversational

Easiest Broth Ever

Boiling a chicken carcass or some beef knuckles is an important thing to know how to do.  You can get a great quantity of delicious and nutritious broth to use while cooking rice, making a soup, or just to enjoy on its own.  You can learn more about doing it the proper way here at our video.

But sometimes I am out of fresh broth, or don't have time to deal with un-thawing frozen broth. Enter...the easiest broth ever.

This is so easy you can make it a couple times a day without any trouble.  The whole thing takes about 3 minutes!


  • 1 T Great Lakes unflavored beef gelatin 'collagen joint care' (find online or at some health food stores)

  • Water

  • A few dashes of ground black pepper

  • A few dashes of garlic powder

  • Two generous pinches rock sea salt, or several dashes of fine sea salt

  1. Set 12 oz. of water to boil

  2. When it's near to boiling, add 1 T cold or room temp. water to your mug

  3. Add the 1 T gelatin and mix immediately

  4. Add the pepper, salt and garlic

  5. Pour in the boiled water and stir

This is a nice, savory cup of broth with many health benefits:

  • The salt is good to boost to a healthy level of blood pressure and circulation in (common) cases of low adrenal function.  It can give you a little pick-me-up.

  • The gelatin powder has a good amount of protein (11 grams) needed to steady our blood sugar.

  • Gelatin also has many beneficial amino acids, including glycine, which is calming, and glutamine, which helps heal the gut lining.

  • Fluids:  we all need more, right?  Two cups a day gets you 24 more oz., giving you energy and flushing out waste.

I am currently experimenting to see if two mugs a day will help my lower bowel function.  Many people report healthier hair and nails as well.

Do you have any broth experiences to share?


Migraines: How to Get Rid of Them! with Dr. Alexis Shields

Migraines headaches have to be one of the worst experiences many women endure.  They can make you cancel important meetings, load up on potent pharmaceuticals, and miss out on life.

Luckily we have today as a guest Dr. Alexis Shields, who throws it down about where migraines come from, how to treat them, and also what we still don't know about them.

She explains that there is a dys-regulation of the electrical system of the brain that precipitates a migraine.  (Did you know that the vascular theory has been disproven??)

Dr. Shields talks about certain foods and food additives that are triggers. (Did you know that left-overs are more apt to cause a migraine??)

She also talks about the underlying factors, such as hormone imbalance, misalignment and more.  (Did you know oversleeping can be a problem??)

She gives specific apps, book and sites she likes, and I'll share a few of those below:

App:  Headspace

Site: Yoga Glo

Book:  It Starts with Food

To learn more about Dr. Shields and her online practice, see her site here.

Listen now below, and remember to get subscribed in Itunes to get every interview.  Love the podcast?  Learn how to join free Fan Club here, with exclusive benefits.

Fertility After Age 35

This time it was my turned to be interviewed!  I love talking about health, as you'll soon hear...

I was a guest on the fabulous podcast, Food as Medicine.

My topic is "Fertility after Age 35."

  • What is different about fertility after 35?

  • What foods do I recommend?

  • Are men included in this age/ fertility thing?

Find out here!

Did anything help you a ton while trying to conceive?  Please share below to help others!

The Value of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet with Dr. Jessica Black, ND


Dr. Jessica Black, ND is an experienced clinician and accomplished author.  Her first book, which started as a compilation of the recipe suggestions she was giving to her clients, became very popular.  She has since written a second edition of The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book, as well as a companion version, More Anti-Inflammation Diet Tips and Recipes.

She also co-authored a book about Living with Crohn's and Colitis, and is currently working on books about a blood sugar diet, and then pediatrics.  Somehow in all this she manages to see patients at her clinics in Portland, OR, and McMinnville, OR, raise two daughters, and eat tons a vegetables along the way!

With her varied background, we bounce around a bit, talking about picky eaters and how she's developed a strong plan for controlling blood sugar in her clinic.  But at the core of this conversation is the anti-inflammation diet.

This diet is so important because it prevents and treats so many diseases, from PCOS to joint pain to gastric distress.  Yes, we know there are so many fad diets, but when my clients ask me what diet I promote, I usually say the anti-inflammation diet.  It's safe, and treats the array of diseases caused by inflammation (much of which comes from inflammatory foods.)

Find out the tenets of the anti-inflammation diet at the player below.  To get these interviews delivered right to your phone every week, be sure to search "Womens Wellness Radio" in your podcast player.

Has an anti-inflammation diet helped you? Join in the conversation in the comments field below.


The Fertility Awareness Method with Hannah Ransom

Today's interview is with guest, Hannah Ransom, is a Certified Fertility Awareness Educator in the sympto-thermal method.  

Today we talk about:

  • What is the symptom-thermal method?

  • How effective is it?

  • How does it work?

  • How does it compare to other methods?

Hannah specializes in this system of monitoring your basal body temperature, symptoms and cervical mucus mainly for birth control.  I have used this type of cycle monitoring with my clients more for fertility.  So we have a nice dual set of perspectives that we can share with you.

Many women are interested in natural birth control, but are nervous if it will work. Getting educated can really dispel these worries.

Still other women were on chemical birth control for years, and are now trying to get pregnant. It is now time to get to know their cycles and learn their fertile windows, and this is a great jumpstart for some, and a chance to fill in knowledge gaps for others.

So if you are:

  • Thinking of switching your birth control method

  • Are not happy with your current method

  • Are worried about side effects of chemical birth control

  • Are trying to gain more cycle awareness to help your health

  • Are monitoring your cycle in order to get pregnant

This is a great episode for you!  

Find out more about Hannah at

The best way to stay tuned is to join our newsletter and be subscribed in iTunes!  We post a new guest expert interview every week.

How Your Gut Health is Effecting Your Brain

In this interview with functional medicine expert Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, we talk about the rarely acknowledged gut-brain connection.  With modern research, we are gaining a deeper understanding of how digestion and the gut micro-biome effects the brain, and common symptoms of mood disorder, and poor concentration.

Live SHINE Health Conference Happening October 2015!


Excitement is building around the SHINE Conference, a 3-day LIVE transformational event for practitioners on Friday, October 30 – Sunday, November 1, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa. 


SHINE (Scientific Holistic Investigation of Nutrition Endocrinology) is a yearly conference for holistic health practitioners. This yearly conference is based on the scientific and holistic investigation of nutritional endocrinology and this year’s focus is a hot topic and focus is The Gut-Brain Connection in Clinical Practice.

Testing Female Hormones with Ann Melin

Hormones are such a mystery! One month your cycle is behaving, the next month it's not.  Why I love lab testing for hormones is that it reveals the cold, hard facts, and from there you can take the best action to get great results.

Our expert today is Ann Melin, who is a Clinical Nutritionist, a Clinical Master Herbalist, a yoga teacher, and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner.  

I invited her over to talk to us about DUTCH, or the Dried Urine Test of Comprehensive Hormones.  

Re-Thinking Women's Nutrition with Dr. Ann Childers, MD

Does what you eat matter for your mental health?  According to Dr. Ann Childers, MD, it sure does.  

Dr. Childers is a child and adult trained psychiatric physician with a passionate interest in regaining our physical and mental health through nutrition and sleep. 

Ketogenic Cooking with Maria Emmerich

Are you trying to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, but don't know what to cook instead?  Come check out this episode with Maria Emmerich, co-author of the Ketogenic Cookbook:  Nutritious Low-Carb, High-fat, Paleo Meals to Heal Your Body.

Functional Tests for the Gut and it's Relationship to PCOS

Functional Tests for the Gut and it's Relationship to PCOS

Why does the gut matter for PCOS?  Here are a few reasons:

  •  Indigestion can equate to nutrient deficiencies

  • An unbalanced bacterial environment in the gut can cause excess hunger & carb cravings
  • The inflammation produced by internal parasites and food sensitivities stresses other body systems.

Paleo for Women (The Get Real Version)

Paleo for Women (The Get Real Version)

I get beyond "just eat paleo" and get real about a paleo lifestyle that is balanced and healthy for women in this interview with my guest Noelle Tarr, the Chief Empowerment Officer at Coconuts and Kettlebells.

Noelle is very savvy about nutrition and fitness but also very realistic about women's health, in the sense that we can't all look like super models and we can't be "perfect" about our diets 100% of the time.  

Stress Relief through EFT with Dr. Linda Wilson

Here's a few things you'll learn from Dr. Linda:

  • Under stress, blood moves away from the forefront of the brain, involved in connection, creativity, problem solving
  • Chronic stress effects your heart, your gut, your immune system
  • Weight gain, insomnia, headaches are common complaints in chronic stress

The Micronutrient Miracle with Mira and Jayson Calton

Mira was a busy publicist in New York City, living the dream, except for increasing, debilitating pain.  She was diagnosed with advanced osteoporosis, and advised to move home with her family and recuperate.  

In her search to figure out her osteoporosis, she met Jayson Calton, a clinical nutritionist who did not specialize in osteoporosis,  but agreed to dive into this project with Mira.  Her osteoporosis was completely reversed, and meanwhile she and Jayson fell in love and got married.

Broth Bar Grand Opening in Portland!

Broth Bar is bright and clean, with a little counter space to watch the rain while having a cup of hot broth with a friend.  It also offers the other products made by Salt, Fire and Time, as well as other locally-made healthy foods.  Tressa also stocks some non-local favorites, like high-quality cod liver oil.

How Your Adrenal Glands Work with Dr. Saman Rezaie, NMD

In today's interview, Dr. Saman Rezaie, NMD of the Integrative Health clinic in Scotsdale, AZ, explains:

  • How our adrenal glands work
  • The difference between adrenal disorder and adrenal disease
  • The stages of adrenal disorder
  • Why getting tested for adrenal fatigue is not performed in a standard MD's office
  • A few simple things you can do to be nice to your adrenals

Eliminating Food Sensitivities for the Whole Family with Tom Malterre

Tom talks about:

  • How removing inflammatory foods eliminates symptoms throughout the body
  • How doing an elimination diet can be as easy as learning a dozen new recipes
  • How children's moods (and adults!) can be effected by foods
  • Why we are sensitive to foods in the first place