Fertility — Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health


Ten Conditions That Benefit from CoQ10

I was introduced to CoQ10 as an supplement about 4 years ago. At the time, I was in the middle of detoxing from mold, and I had already spent a lot of money on trying to heal. I was skeptical to try yet another thing, but the truth was that I was only about 50% better, which is not enough at all. So I tried it…

The Magic of Broccoli Sprouts: How They Support Daily Detox

If you’re looking for a way to promote daily detox, then look no further than broccoli sprouts! If you’re wondering if they live up to all the hype, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article we’ll dive into how broccoli sprouts get their detox superpowers and see if they might be a good fit for your health journey.

How to Avoid Forever Chemicals in Cookware

If you are reading this blog, you probably know that conventional Teflon is not good for you. It's a good reason to avoid stain/water proofing in things like carpets and especially kids' clothe And you risk releasing Teflon's PFAS chemicals every time you rapidly heat or scratch (even a little bit) non-stick pans.

How to Reverse Chronic Inflammation: 8 Helpful Tips

Modern life leaves many chronically inflamed due to poor diet, stress, toxin exposure, and more. When this inflammation goes on too long, the body begins to wear down. This might start as nagging fatigue, brain fog, or chronic pain. But over time, it can lead to severe problems. That’s why it’s crucial to address chronic inflammation!

3 Sneaky Ways Toxic Mold Messes with Your Hormones

Are you struggling with symptoms of hormone imbalance like mood swings, weight gain, low libido, hot flashes, or fatigue? Many people just accept hormonal imbalance as part of aging. When often, there’s another sneaky culprit to blame: mold.

Magnesium for Men: Why It Matters

Even the healthiest of diets may not provide all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, which is part of the reason many of us turn to supplements to ensure the best health for our bodies. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency in men is often overlooked, but if can lead to some powerful victories in men’s health!

Top 3 Supplements for Fertility

Many Americans suffer from nutrient deficiency, and as you may suspect, this can significantly impact fertility. But there are thousands of different supplements you can take. Which ones will help with infertility? Where do you get them? Do they even work? We’re here to share 3 top research-backed supplements and tips!

Why Can't I Sleep? Top Reasons for Insomnia

You probably already know that a good night’s rest is vital to good health, but what if you just can’t sleep? If so, you’re not alone--experts estimate 1 in 3 people have at least mild insomnia. Lucky for you, this article will cover the most common causes of poor sleep and how you can remedy them.

Benefits of Sprouts, and How to Make Your Own

When was the last time you ate sprouts? With their fresh flavor and crunchy texture, sprouts are easy to incorporate into a variety of summertime meals. Let’s discuss how to make sprouts step by step -- and some delicious ways to incorporate them into your favorite meals.

Air Quality, COVID-19 and Supplements Update

As much as we'd like COVID-19 to just go away, it's still here! But there are new developments in understanding of the virus, as well as new unsubstantiated claims. So I am back again to give you some interesting new research related to COVID-19, as well as some interesting supplement applications I learned.

How Birth Control Affects Your Gut

Learn about birth control side effects in the gut and what you can do to restore your gut health if you’ve been adversely impacted by the pill.  

Bridgit's Year in Review

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I'm your guest this week where I will be reviewing the year 2017 and the decisions I made on my health, family and business. I'll be interviewed by our new team member Stephanie Risinger who'll also tell us about her podcast.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 01:05 Introducing Stephanie & Bridgit
Min 03:15 Transitioning from Portland to Arizona
Min 06:20 Review of Bridgit's physical health
Min 11:16 Marcons and using Western medicine with Eastern medicine
Min 14:10 Dealing with emotional health
Min 20:30 Getting help from different practitioners
Min 23:45 Lessons learnt in 2017
Min 26:50 Bridgit's habits and routines
Min 28:50 Big wins for Women's Wellness Collaborative in 2017
Min 33:35 The future of Women's Wellness Collaborative
Min 37:35 Stephanie Risinger's podcast
Min 40:10 Health steps taken by Stephanie

To learn more about Stephanie and her Holistic Fertility and Wellness Podcast, visit her website here and follow her on social media:


  1. Marcons And Biofilms With Dr. Yoshi Rahm

  2. Low FODMAPs diet

  3. Are Food Sensitivities Preventing Your Pregnancy? with Sarah Clark

  4. Fertility Week sign up page

Here's a video version of the interview I did:

How was your 2017? I’d love to hear about it below!

Sign Up For Our Newsletter

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to get our Top-Down Digestion Guide here, and come on board!

We have lots of valuable, free resources for women's health we share weekly.

Journal Your Way to Fertility Health by Nicola Salmon

In the world of google, no symptom, syndrome or side-effect is left unresearched and it’s so easy to become overwhelmed by all the information out there. 

Whether you are trying to work out what supplements to take, which foods to eat or how to reduce your stress, I’m sure you have found hundreds of different things to try. The problem with choice is that you feel like you need to try it all. And when researching on pregnancy, maybe the next thing you find will be *the* thing to help you get pregnant.

So where do you start?

How can you tell what’s going to work without reading every forum post and trying everything there is? 

The good news is, it’s simple. Almost too simple. 

Our bodies are incredible things. There are thousands upon thousands of different processes going on in our bodies every minute that we don't even have to think about. We don't have to tell our body to digest our food when we eat or increase our heart rate when we exercise. The body has the capacity to run and heal itself. 

When we start to listen to our bodies, they begin to tell us everything we need to know. Those annoying symptoms are your body trying to tell you something and when you start to listen, you learn what foods, supplements and habits will lead you to a healthier life.

This is where journaling comes in.

Fertility Journaling

You can start with a simple notepad and pen. Each day write down some simples things such as:

  • What and when you ate. (No calorie counting or judgement, just what it was)

  • What and when you drank.

  • How your energy varied throughout the day

  • How your mood varied throughout the day

  • When and how you moved your body

  • Any symptoms, aches, pains etc

  • Where you are in your menstrual cycle

  • How much sleep you got

With this information, you will begin to see patterns:

  1. You have trouble getting to sleep if you drink coffee at 5pm.

  2. Exercising in the morning makes your feel productive all day.

  3. You get a headache if you haven’t drunk enough water the day before.

  4. Your mood and energy will change depending on your cycle.

  5. You feel bloated in the afternoon after having milk on your cereal in the morning.

This information is priceless. It’s your personal instruction book to leading a healthy life.  

Once you get started with this practice, you will notice your body changing as you react to what it is telling you. Finally you'll have the power to make a difference in your health. 


Found This Interesting?

Nicola Salmon is a fertility coach, acupuncturist and author of the Nurture Fertility Journal. She is dedicated to supporting women struggling to get pregnant and help them make the best decisions around their health and wellbeing. 

Nicola struggled with her own fertility issues and strongly believes that no-one should travel this path alone. Whatever your story, she will support you to choose what is right for you and feel safe in the knowledge that you have made the best possible decision.





To get a quick guide on fertility journaling, you can download her free 7 day nurture fertility journal here

Choosing a Doula / Becoming a Doula with Bianca Sprague & Natasha Marchand

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Bianca Sprague & Natasha Marchand are the founders of Bebo Mia, a training organization for doulas providing mentorship & community for pregnancy, birth and parenting. In this episode we talk about choosing a doula and if you've been thinking of becoming a doula, you'll find out what it's like to be one and if it's the right calling for you.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:50 Introduction to Bianca & Natasha's training & work
Min 03:50 Working as a team of doulas & where to start
Min 10:15 Who is a doula & what does it involve?
Min 14:30 Bebo Mia's Eco-baby program
Min 17:15 Infant sleep patterns
Min 20:50 Fertility & postpartum training
Min 24:00 Finding a qualified doula
Min 26:55 Becoming a doula with Bebo Mia's program
Min 33:00 Knowing if being a doula is right for you

To learn more about Natasha & Bianca, visit their Bebo Mia website here and follow them on social media:

Bebo Mia's Resources:

Free Online Training Workshop  

Doula Training

Eco Baby certification program

Infant Sleep Educator certification program

Sign Up For Our Newsletter

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

Natural Birth Control with Victoria Zimmerman

Victoria Zimmerman is our guest this week and on this episode we'll talk about running an online business, the art of minimalism and natural birth control.

Click here to download an mp3 of "Natural Birth Control with Victoria Zimmerman."

Hormone Balance After 40 Summit

BUY the Hormone Balance After 40 Summit package here!

Hear 32 expert lectures on improving metabolism, balancing moods, increasing sex drive and more!

Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 01:30 Introduction to Victoria Zimmerman & birth control

Min 07:20 Transitioning to online business

Min 10:00 Enjoying travel & living a minimalist life

Min 16:15 Getting off the birth control pill & its related fears

Min 22:25 FAM Fertility Method & how to use it

Min 24:40 Charting & natural birth control

Min 32:00 Side effects of the birth control methods

Min 33:50 Victoria's recommended apps & devices

Min 37:45 Victoria's courses and services

Please click here to listen to a previous episode I did with Andrea Thorpe about the effects of long-term use of birth control.

Victoria’s Recommended Devices & Apps: 


Kindara app

Clue app

Victoria’s Courses: 

Chart Your Cycle

Ditch the Pill

Menstrual Coaching

To learn more about Victoria Zimmerman, visit her website here and follow her on social media:






Sign Up For Our Newsletter

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Perfect Periods Program

Click here to learn about our Perfect Periods Program and find out how it will help you identify and treat the root causes of your hormone imbalance, so not only will your period problems go away, but you’ll notice other improvements in your health too!

Learn Your Most Fertile Window With Justina Thompson

Justina Thompson

Welcome to Day 7 of Fertility Week!

Justina Thompson is a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) coach and is our last guest for Fertility Week. She took a 2-year certification program with Sarah Naomi Bly and has successfully been using FAM to prevent pregnancy for 7 years. It is a natural birth control method free from side effects.

She learnt more about the importance of FAM for couples trying to get pregnantduring her 2 years training and while in internship.  A large portion of her training involved understanding how hormones work for the female body from the scientific level.  The focus for the program was to support hormonal health with lifestyle, nutrition and environmental factors.

Couples are often told by their doctors that unless they’ve been trying to conceive for more than 12 months, then they should keep trying which kind of leaves them in the dark. But with FAM and other types of charting like the BBT, which is very popular, the method targets the time when the woman is most fertile and more capable of conceiving.

In this episode, Justina talks about:

  1. Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) and how it works

  2. Signs of fertility in women - cervical fluid, BBT charting and cervical position

  3. Factors that trigger early or late ovulation

  4. Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

  5. Common problems and frustrations in charting

Access Today's Interview

You can listen to today's interview through the player below, or through our podcast channel, Women's Wellness Radio.  Our podcast is available for subscription on iTunes and other podcast players as well.

Today's Raffle

Today we are raffling another amazing Nutribullet blender, plus a care kit from Healthy Hoohoo.

Healthy HooHoo is a mild, PH- balanced, chemical free feminine wash.  Founder Stacy Lyon has generously donated 3 foaming wash cleansers (enough for one year) and 3 travel packs of wipes. Maintaining a normal vaginal PH is important for fertility, and keeping the endocrine-disrupting toxins found in most washes away from your body is important too!

About Justina

If you want to learn more about Justina Thompson, click here to visit her website.

You can also follow her on:




PS: I'm going to do a webinar called "Perfect Periods for Fertility" this coming Wednesday Nov.16 at 4.00 PM Pacific Time. So be sure to mark it on your calendar and join me.

We put all of Justina's information together in a handy sheet, print-able for you. You can get a copy by using the button below:

Managing Emotions During Fertility Challenges With Stephanie Risinger

Stephanie Risinger

Welcome to Day 6 of Fertility Week!

Our guest today is Stephanie Risinger, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and host of the "Holistic Fertility & Wellness Podcast" . The podcast is geared around providing information to women about their holistic options for improving fertility as well as providing support for the emotional and relationship challenges that tend to come along when dealing with fertility challenges. The podcast came about as a result of Stephanie’s personal and professional experiences.

Today we're talking about managing some of the emotions associated with fertility. I was on Stephanie's podcast some time back and you can listen to it here.

In this episode, we’re discussing:

  1. How our emotions are connected to one another

  2. Our beliefs and emotions

  3. Why it’s important to feel emotions

  4. Healthy ways to experience emotions

  5. Tips for recurring negative thoughts

  6. Importance of self-care

When we compare we miss out on the little things we can be joyful of even when things are hard. You are perfect just as you are.

Access Today's Interview

You can listen to today's interview through the player below, or through our podcast channel, Women's Wellness Radio.  Our podcast is available for subscription on iTunes and other podcast players as well.

Today's Raffle

Today we are raffling a Nutribullet blender to make yummy fertility smoothies, and yummy, all-natural skin care, free of toxins that mess up your hormones!

The Balance Travel Kit is courtesy of AnnMarie Gianni Skin Care, and it's made for normal skin types, with the highest quality ingredients.

AnnMarie is also offering a generous discount to EVERY woman reading this. Get a sample kit for your skin type for just $10, plus get a $10 coupon towards a future purchase, plus a Toxin Free Home Guide (very important for fertility) too.

About Stephanie

To learn more about Stephanie Risinger, click here to visit her website. You can also follow her on:





We put all of Stephanie's information together in a handy sheet, print-able for you. You can get a copy by using the button below:

We welcome your comments and questions below!

Nutrition And More For A Healthy Cycle With Caroline Zwickson

Caroline Zwickson

Welcome to Day 5 of Fertility Week!

Caroline Zwickson is a fertility coach originally from Germany and has been living in the US for 16 years. She holds a Masters in Counselling Psychology and studied dreams, imaginations, and how to help people cultivate awareness for that and integrate it into their lives in order to create more wholeness. She did her Masters’ thesis on women and mind-body connection and looked into how women experience emotions like fear, joy and anger in their bodies, and how they can use the body to work with those emotions.

After graduating she slowly made her way into life coaching because she was passionate about helping people figure out not only why they're stuck but also what they can do about it, taking that future oriented outlook of life and really thinking about life in a positive way. Her focus in the coaching world is to help women create a fertile life; prepare them for a healthy pregnancy.

She had hormonal imbalances after coming out of the birth control pill and this experience made her dive deeply into women's hormones. She figured out a natural and holistic way to heal her hormone imbalances. The positive effects she experienced made her want to help other women. 

In this interview, we’re talking about:

  1. Nutrition and balancing hormones

  2. Our thoughts and their effects on our bodies

  3. Movement and exercise

  4. The luteal phase and blood sugar balance

  5. Supplements

  6. Diet and food sources

Access Today's Interview

You can listen to today's interview through the player below, or through our podcast channel, Women's Wellness Radio. Our podcast is available for subscription on iTunes and other podcast players as well.

About Caroline:

To learn more about Caroline Zwickson, click here to visit her website.

You can also follow her on:




Today's Raffle:

For today’s raffle, Caroline Zwickson is giving away her fall-cleanse workbook, and our sponsor Nutribullet donated another awesome kitchen blender.

Caroline's beautiful, info-packed 62-page workbook that includes: 

  • An introduction to fall cleansing with a special focus on your lungs and your colon. The goal is to eliminate congestion and optimize elimination.

  • Small daily exercises & action steps to promote emotional well-being, strength, resilience, and feeling calm and beautiful!

  • Tips for how to overcome cravings and constipation (without your morning coffee)

  • A shopping list packed with delicious, fresh, and invigorating foods

  • Menu ideas and suggestions for how to keep things easy, simple and delicious

  • lots and lots of amazing recipes that brighten up your day and make you feel amazing from the inside out

We put all of Caroline's information together in a handy sheet, print-able for you. You can get a copy by using the button below:

We welcome your comments and questions below!

Chinese Medicine And Self Care for Fertility With Heidi Brockmyre

Welcome to Day 4 of Fertility Week!

Heidi Brockmyre is a fertility expert and acupuncturist and has been practicing for over 8 years. She runs a fertility acupuncture clinic in San Diego and has created an online program to teach women how to use Chinese medicine tools at home.

In this episode, we talk about:
1.    Principles of Chinese medicine
2.    Difference between acupuncture and acupressure
3.    Tools to help bring body imbalances back into balance
4.    Protocols Heidi teaches in her online program
5.    Connection between sperm quality and miscarriages
6.    Case studies of women who conceived naturally despite being told they couldn’t by their doctors

Access Today's Interview

You can listen to today's interview through the player below, or through our podcast channel, Women's Wellness Radio.  Our podcast is available for subscription on iTunes and other podcast players as well.

Resources from Heidi:

Free Fertility Self-Acupressure Instructional Video

To learn more about Heidi Brockmyre, you can find her on her website and follow her on:

Today's Raffle:

Today we are again raffling a Nutribullet blender to a lucky winner, plus a two pack of Chinese herbal fertility teas from Pacific Herbs.  These formulas, the Fertility Tea Herb Pack for Women and the Sperm Boost herb pack for men, are highly concentrated and easy to take.  The retail value of each is $60 for a one month supply.  These formulas were designed and produced by Chinese Medicine practitioner, Cathy Margolin.

We put all of Heidi's information together in a handy sheet, print-able for you. You can get a copy by using the button below:

Mind Your Sperm & Egg With Bridgit Danner

Welcome to Day 3 of Fertility Week!

Our speaker today is...me!  I'm so excited to share with you my expertise on sperm and egg.  

There are many factors threatening the health of our sperm and eggs: radiation, toxins, inflammation, oxidation, and more.  I encourage you to learn the foundational habits to protect your sperm and egg and ensure your fertility.

Even if you've been told you have low sperm count or 'old eggs' there is still much you can do to increase your pregnancy odds!

We also talk about:

1.       Diet for optimal egg and sperm quality

2.       Combating stress when dealing with infertility

3.       Exercise for fertility

4.       Supplements to improve egg and sperm quality

Access My Interview Here:

You can listen to my interview through the player below, or through our podcast channel, Women's Wellness Radio.  Our podcast is available for subscription on iTunes and other podcast players as well.


Two Fertility Books for You, on sale this week!

Today is an extra special day for me as my new book, Amazing Eggs: How To Naturally Improve Your Fertile Egg Quality, is being released!

For five days only, Nov 9- 13, the Amazing Eggs title will be available for free on Kindle. My second edition of Making Super Sperm will be available for $.99 November 10-13.

You can purchase either through the links above.  These are Kindle books, but if you don't have a Kindle you can still purchase the books and download a Kindle Reader app for your computer, tablet or smartphone.

One last thing...as a thank you to those who leave a review of either book, you can enter to win a private consultation with me ($395 value)!  Review two books and get two entries!  Learn more/ enter raffle here.

Perfect Periods for Fertility Webinar

Join me for a special webinar where you can ask questions and learn more about creating a healthy menstrual cycle through healthy habits.

You MUST have a 'mostly normal' cycle to get pregnant!  It doesn't have to be perfect, but enough factors need to be in play for a successful ovulation, luteal phase and pregnancy.

Register Here.  Let's Get You Figured Out!

We put all of the information I shared in this interview in a handy sheet, print-able for you. You can get a copy by using the button below:

Thanks for listening!
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative