Here are our top 10 podcasts of 2017:
Bridgit's Year in Review
I'm your guest this week where I will be reviewing the year 2017 and the decisions I made on my health, family and business. I'll be interviewed by our new team member Stephanie Risinger who'll also tell us about her podcast.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 01:05 Introducing Stephanie & Bridgit
Min 03:15 Transitioning from Portland to Arizona
Min 06:20 Review of Bridgit's physical health
Min 11:16 Marcons and using Western medicine with Eastern medicine
Min 14:10 Dealing with emotional health
Min 20:30 Getting help from different practitioners
Min 23:45 Lessons learnt in 2017
Min 26:50 Bridgit's habits and routines
Min 28:50 Big wins for Women's Wellness Collaborative in 2017
Min 33:35 The future of Women's Wellness Collaborative
Min 37:35 Stephanie Risinger's podcast
Min 40:10 Health steps taken by Stephanie
To learn more about Stephanie and her Holistic Fertility and Wellness Podcast, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
Here's a video version of the interview I did:
“How was your 2017? I’d love to hear about it below!”
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Symptoms of Mold and Easy Detox Tips with Bridgit Danner
We are back for day 3 of Mold Week! You'll learn about:
How mold can grow without you knowing it
The difference between mold spores and mold toxins
The long list of symptoms that can be caused by mold
Ways to test your home and body for mold
Simple, affordable ways to clear mold toxins out of your body
Why your belongings often need to be left behind in order to heal
You can listen to this and all other episodes on the podcast or watch directly on our YouTube channel here.
You can also subscribe and listen on our podcast.
Download notes from this interview HERE.
Private Coaching with Bridgit
Trying to figure out how to deal with toxic mold? Check out our current coaching programs to see if working with Bridgit is a fit for your case.
Go here for mold testing information.
Listen to our interview on Marcons here.
Audio Only Version
If you are on-the-go or have a poor internet connection, it will be more reliable to play the following audio-only version.
Shopping Links
Bonus Content!
Get headache tips from today's host, Erin Knight of Engineering Radiance. Erin is a natural migraine relief specialist and a functional health coach.
Free Guide: Healing from Toxic Mold
You want help for your mold symptoms ASAP! Cut to the chase with this straight-forward guide, outlining my favorite supplements for detoxing mold. As a person who has been healing from mold toxicity, I can personally say these supplements support my daily self-care effectively.
Let me help you start healing!
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP
Founder of Hormone Detox Shop
Current Trends in Women's Health Disorders with Ann Melin & Bridgit Danner
Ann Melin is a functional health coach and my colleague in the Restore Your Radiance Program, which we discuss in this episode. She's our guest this week where we talk about the program and issues we have come across recently in our practices.
While we are no longer offering this particular program, we still provide private coaching and cutting-edge test reviews. You can learn about our current coaching programs here.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:10 Ann Melin's work in the Restore Your Radiance Program
Min 05:30 Bridgit's work in the Spark Case Review Program
Min 08:35 Challenges/road blocks to good health
Min 12:30 Health profiles of women in the program
Min 17:55 Thyroid issues among women
Min 21:05 Gut issues among women
Min 23:10 Interacting with other health practitioners
Min 27:10 What the program offers & follow-ups
Lab Testing for Women's Health Webinar replay
Our current private coaching programs
And here's a video version of the interview on YouTube.
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If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!
Thanks for listening,
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative
Restore Your Radiance With Ann Melin & Bridgit Dannerf
Ann Melin is my colleague and new partner. She is a Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Practitioner specializing in restoring functional health and balancing common dysfunctions in the hormone, immune, digestion, and detoxification systems.
This interview is a bit different because it's about Ann and me talking about our health philosophies and how we're coming together in our collaborative coaching program Restore Your Radiance. **While we are no longer offering this particular program, we have other private coaching options that you can check out on this page.
Click here to download an mp3 of "Restore Your Radiance with Ann Melin & Bridgit Danner."
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 1:00 Introduction to Ann Melin
Min 7:00 WWC & Ann Melin's activities and challenges
Min 11:20 Ann's training and how she got into herbal medicine
Min 18:50 Bridgit's training in acupuncture and chinese medicine
Min 23:00 Ann's vision for the Restore Your Radiance Program
Min 28:10 Bridgit's vision and plan for the program
Min 30:00 Blocks to good health
Min 32:00 What it would be like to work with us and our treatment steps
Min 38:50 Health conditions we help with
Min 46:40 The beta launch of our Restore Your Radiance program and the BIG discount on the for the initial consult
To learn more about Ann Melin, visit her website here and follow her on Facebook.
Sign Up For Our Newsletter
If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!
Thanks for listening,
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative