According to our guest, Dr. Nalini Chilkov, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will get cancer. That means it will effect either us or someone close to us.
But what can we do about it? Are we just doomed?
Dr. Chilkov says 40% of cancers can be avoided with diet and lifestyle.
Her book, 32 Ways to Outsmart Cancer, is a quick read, but packed with useful suggestions. She recommends to add a method or two per week to slowly build in her anti-cancer habits. Plus it's only $2.99 for the ebook on Amazon so I think you can swing it!
Here are few that caught my interest:
At least half your food should come from plants
Exercise regularly for cancer prevention
Do a cleanse at least twice a year
Express gratitude and appreciation daily
Take 5 essential core nutrient supplements daily
You can enjoy her free gift here: Dr. Nalini's Healthy Living Shopping List
And you can enjoy my 30 minute audio interview with Dr. Nalini below!