Have you felt more tired and fatigued lately? It’s not the “I stayed up too late last night” kind of fatigue, but the type of continued exhaustion that persists even when you’re getting enough sleep and are making healthy lifestyle choices.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is exhausting in more ways than one. It makes it more difficult to focus on day-to-day tasks, makes it challenging to concentrate at work, and can even affect relationships when you’re too tired to spend quality time with the people you love.
There are many possible reasons for this persistent type of chronic fatigue, which is why it’s important to understand what your triggers might be and how you can find out why you’re feeling so tired.
Once you know why you’re suffering from fatigue, then you can take steps to address those reasons head-on. So let’s get started!
Signs and Symptoms of Fatigue
The type of fatigue we’re talking about is not just physical, but mental as well. Some markers for chronic fatigue include:
Tiredness that is not caused by ongoing physical exertion
Mental and physical fatigue not improved with sleep
Fatigue that impairs personal, social, and/or occupational domains
Reduced activity levels
Four out of these eight symptoms over a 6-month period:
Impaired short-term memory
Sore throat
Tender lymph nodes/glands
Muscular pain
Joint pain in multiple areas
Unrefreshing sleep
Post-exertional fatigue lasting longer than 24 hours (1)
While there are some steps you can take to address your fatigue, it’s a complicated issue that could have several causes.
Background of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome has gone by many names and diagnoses. It wasn’t until the 1980s that the CDC labeled chronic fatigue syndrome, and the first definition was published in 1988. (2)
It affects up to 2.5 million people in the United States and affects women more frequently than men. (2) Symptoms can keep those suffering from completing even simple everyday tasks, and the lingering tiredness and fatigue can continue for years.
Part of the issue with diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome is that causes and symptoms may differ from person to person.
Reasons for Fatigue
Though there are many possible reasons for chronic fatigue, here are the ones I see most commonly in my practice.
1. Low Cortisol
Cortisol plays an important role in how our bodies reduce inflammation, manage energy levels, and manage blood pressure. Low cortisol levels are associated with both fatigue and chronic pain. (3)
2. Low Testosterone
Though it’s often associated with men, women need testosterone too! It’s produced in the ovaries and is responsible for ovarian function and bone strength. Too little testosterone in women can cause depression, tiredness, and muscle weakness. (4)
3. Low Thyroid Hormones
Symptoms of a thyroid problem include cold hands and feet, hair loss, fatigue, foggy thinking, and joint and muscle pain. Sounds a lot like chronic fatigue syndrome, right? Researchers have linked low thyroid hormones to chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis (5), so if you’re feeling tired all the time, your thyroid levels could certainly be the culprit.
4. Heavy Metals
Exposure to heavy metals like lead, aluminum, and arsenic can occur because of your environment or even products as seemingly innocent as lipgloss. These can build up in our bodies over time, resulting in hormonal imbalances and other issues like weakness, tiredness, and aches and pains. (6)
5. Mold Illness and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
I’ve written before about the importance of supporting your mitochondria. Mold illness has been linked to mitochondrial issues, and one study found that 93% of people diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome had at least one mycotoxin produced by mold present in their urine. (7)
How Can You Discover the Reason for Your Tiredness?
While each one of these causes of fatigue is unique, they have two similarities. First, the good news: they are treatable! However, they are invisible to the naked eye. How can you figure out and treat the reason for your exhaustion if it’s due to invisible causes?
Thankfully, we have ways to test for each one of these problems, and many of them are on sale!
Hormone Testing
If you’re worried that low cortisol might be causing your tiredness, right now we’re offering our DUTCH Test for $50 off. This test gives you a big-picture review of not only your cortisol levels, but other hormone levels like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, melatonin, some vitamins, neurotransmitters, and more.
Hormone and Gut Testing Package
We’re also offering $150 off our Big Three testing, which includes the DUTCH test, the GI-MAP Stool Test, and a thyroid and blood sugar test. This comprehensive package gives you a complete overview of your health and includes a range of tests and insights into your body, giving you the chance to make educated choices about your health.
Thyroid Testing
Our Thyroid Test and Review also includes a 30-minute coaching session and customized supplement recommendations
Thyroid testing is currently $50 off, through Sept. 27, 2021.
Heavy Metals Testing
A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is an affordable and informative test. We don’t currently offer this service, but we have some resources for you:
Wendy Myers, heavy metals toxins expert, offers a test for $99. You can order here.
Another company I’ve been learning about is Upgraded Formulas and their test also comes with a consultation and recommendations. Get 10% off with the coupon code BRIDGIT DANNER. Learn more here.
Already Have Results?
A popular service we offer is called a Past Labs Review, and it’s a chance for you to have us review any recent labs you ran to get our functional interpretation and custom supplement and lifestyle recommendations. You can schedule that here.
Also Have Brain Fog?
Grab my free ebook below for my best tips to banish brain fog!
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.
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