I had a great conversation on the podcast with Dr. Jolene Brighten, ND about thyroid conditions, and how they effect our fertility, our baby's health and our own post-partum health.
I would say that we speak the most on the subject of post-partum, as it's a subject close to my own heart, as well as Jolene's, who discovered well past childbirth that she had post-partum autoimmune thyroiditis.
One thing I think is important to understand deeply is that our reproductive stages are linked, and minding this continuum is critical to our health as we try to conceive, carry a child, and then support a new baby.
Dr. Brighten talks about:
Why and which thyroid markers to test pre-conception
How an untreated thyroid condition can lead to miscarriage and developmental deficits
Why it's important to test thyroid markers in weeks 6-12 of pregnancy if you are autoimmune thyroid
Why changes in our immune system potentiate thyroid imbalance after childbirth
Which underlaying factors to consider of you have autoimmune thyroid
Why getting support is needed for post-partum health complaints
If you are an autoimmune mom, a mom suffering with post-partum symptoms, a woman diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis, or someone curious about thyroid disorders (which are highly on the rise in women,) I think you'll benefit from the info-packed interview with Dr. Brighten.
To learn more about Dr. Brighten, visit drbrighten.com. To grab her resource on post-partum, follow this link.
Use this link to find the show on iTunes. It can be found on most podcast players by searching Women's Wellness Radio.
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