Chronic illness can be incredibly debilitating and frustrating, especially when you’re not getting any answers from your healthcare provider! So what do you do when you’re tired of feeling sick, but you don’t know where to turn next?
Check out the video above to see how Micki recovered from chronic pain and anxiety by doing her own empowered research, and taking her health into her own hands.
Bridgit and Micki discuss Micki’s whole health journey, from her early concerning symptoms, through a period of being so sick she was unable to get out of bed, to finally learning techniques for healing from chronic mold. You’ll come away from this conversation inspired to start taking steps in your own healing journey, as well as empowered to do your own research so that you can be an advocate for your health.
Watch the video above to learn:
1:40 Micki’s mold illness background and how she met Bridgit
8:50 Micki’s home remediation story
11:45 Mold and family relationships
14:25 Resources that helped Micki heal from mold
16:59 Mold healing mindsets
20:20 Growth through mold illness
23:10 Micki’s approach to health coaching
24:28 How to actually take action on test results
Check out these links to items mentioned in the video:
Toxic mold can be a journey to fix, but it is fixable. Learn how you can prevent and remediate mold growth and overcome mold illness! Don’t miss The Toxic Mold Masterclass, online and free from Feb. 27 – March 5, 2023! It’s free and online!
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is an acupuncturist turned functional health coach and has worked with thousands of clients since 2004.
She is the founder of and the author of The Ultimate Guide to Toxic Mold Recovery: Take Back Your Home Health & Life, available in audiobook, Kindle and paperback on Amazon.
Constipation is a common symptom in modern life, affecting up to 27% of the population, and it's common after toxic mold exposure. Coach Micki says she sees in about 90% of the time on our clients! If you are not dealing with constipation as a symptom, you may have loose stool or nausea. But why is this happening?