Broccoli cheddar soup is ubiquitous in café menus, but it’s usually heavy on dairy and low on vegetables. We set out to craft a soup that’s as nourishing for your body as it is for your senses (as well as allergy-friendly!). This easy blended soup is full of roasted broccoli and butternut squash.
Probiotic Guide: a Focus on Keystone Strains
Food Deserts and How COVID Has Affected Those of Lower Income
A food desert is where there is limited (or no) access to affordable, nutritious food. While it may be saddening to know that people are living in food deserts, it can be harder to know what to do about it. I believe that understanding the issue is the first step to being able to take action to help!
What Should You Eat? Learn My Easy Anti-Inflammatory Diet
These days, diets and eating plans abound. Just attempting to figure out what you should eat and what you should avoid is enough to make your head spin! Should you eat Paleo? Vegetarian? How do you find the best diet for you? Let me show you my baseline diet recommendations, and how to customize it for your needs!
Spicy Ginger Bone Broth
Natural Approaches for Asthma
Some people say it feels like someone is squeezing all the air out of their chests. Others say it feels like they are trying to breathe underwater. As an asthma sufferer myself, I want to share asthma symptoms and triggers, natural treatments, and current research in the quest for new and better treatments!
Should You Wash Out Your Nose?
Get Prepared! Make This DIY Cold Season Elixir
5 Toxins That Weaken Your Immune System and 5 Ways to Repair It
Red Chili Thai Salmon Cakes
Golden Beet Salad with Arugula and Walnuts
Few vegetables are more beautiful than golden beets. Add spicy arugula and crunchy walnuts, along with a quick homemade balsamic vinaigrette, for a beautiful and satisfying salad. The detoxifying benefits of beets are a result of their high levels of betalains, a powerful phytonutrient, and vitamin C.
Choosing Safe Seafood
Benefits of Sprouts, and How to Make Your Own
How to Make Easy Soaked Almonds
Probiotics for Immune Support and Detoxification
Were you, or your kids, born by Cesarean section? Did you get sick a lot as a kid and take antibiotics frequently? Did you grow up in an area where pesticides and heavy metals were prevalent? If you said yes to any of the above questions, it’s time to shore up your microbiome. I share some tips in this blog!
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Lyme, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Toxic Mold
Your Hormones and Coronavirus
Hormone-Balancing Seed Porridge
This easy, nourishing porridge is inspired by the Paleo breakfast cereals available at high-end health food stores. These products, while delicious, are typically spendy. They are also probably rancid by the time they reach the consumer. Thankfully, it’s simple to make your own seed-and-nut-based cold or hot cereal.
What to Do If You Get Sick
Air Quality, COVID-19 and Supplements Update
As much as we'd like COVID-19 to just go away, it's still here! But there are new developments in understanding of the virus, as well as new unsubstantiated claims. So I am back again to give you some interesting new research related to COVID-19, as well as some interesting supplement applications I learned.