The Dutch Complete Hormone Test

Get Yourself the Gift of Health This Holiday Season

The cold weather, long days, and holiday stress has hit, and many of us are feeling the effects--especially those who have chronic illnesses. One of the most confusing parts about living with a chronic illness is that there are so many different options for assessments and treatment. Learn how to find what works for you!

3 Hormonal Imbalance Patterns That Can Lead to Weight Gain

if you feel like you’re doing everything right but are still frustrated with weight gain, hormones may be to blame. There’s a huge connection between hormonal imbalance and weight gain. In this article, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of three hormonal weight gain patterns. Pay close attention if one rings true for you!

Women Over 40: Why Your Asthma and Allergies Are Increasing

Have you been sneezing and sniffling recently? Maybe your asthma has suddenly sprung out of control, and your inhalers are no longer helping. What could be the problem? Are you a woman over 40? It may just be perimenopause.