Five Questions and Answers About Surrogacy

Five Questions and Answers About Surrogacy

Today surrogacy is in the news more frequently than ever before -  it seems that

barely a month goes by that a celebrity is showing off their new bundle of joy – a 

baby born through surrogacy. 

But surrogacy isn’t limited to celebrity circles, it’s a viable solution for women who 

suffer from physical issues that affect their ability to safely carry a baby to term.  

When it comes to the actual facts of the surrogacy process, how much 

do you know?

Can We Treat Fibroids Naturally? with Dr. Allan Warshowsky


I was honored to interview Dr. Allan Warshowsky, author of Healing Fibroids: A Doctor’s Guide to a Natural Cure.  Dr. Allan is a pioneer in progressive and integrative care for women's health, doing it long before it was popular, and out of frustration that he couldn't get results for his patients with conventional care.

With his wife Priscilla, he now runs a small wellness practice in Rye, NY, and sees clients from all over the world.


Dr. Allan tells us that 30-70% of women get fibroids, and he estimates that 80% of fibroid surgeries could be avoided.

His approach includes:


  • Reducing inflammation

  • Restoring hormone imbalance

  • Detoxification

  • Gut repair

  • Blood sugar balancing

  • Caster oil packs or poke oil packs

  • Creating connection to fibroids with massage, visualization 

  • Moving into parasympathetic mode of nervous system with meditation, gratitude

  • Dry skin brushing

  • Breast massage

  • Clearing chakra issues

  • Elimination diet- including removing allergenic and GMO

"Being in the moment is the only time to heal and have joy."

Learn how to prevent fibroids, or if you are a good candidate to treat your fibroids naturally!

Listen below of subscribe 'Women's Wellness Radio' on your podcast player, for best health results!!


American Board of Integrative Holistic Physicians

Holistic Care of Pregnancy and Babies with Laura Brayton, DC

Dr. Laura Brayton, DC is definitely an expert on holistic care for pregnancy and children, so I'm glad to have her on the podcast to answer some of the questions I commonly get from women.

Here are some cool things I learned on the episode:

  • How the prejudge against natural medicine got started, and why it's shifting

  • The best first foods for babies

  • Know the signs that your baby isn't yet ready for solid food

  • How adjustments are safe and beneficial for pregnancy and kids

  • How your pregnancy adjustments also benefit your baby!

  • How your unborn child can benefit from Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique!

  • Her favorite probiotic for kids under 2 (see below)

  • How clean eating isn't enough for detoxification 

  • Why tummy time and crawling cannot be skipped!

  • Why you should get adjustments for a better birth experience and outcome

  • How exactly your breastfeeding baby gets your probiotics

  • How baby's saliva will adjust our breast milk content!


Dr. Laura's site in Hoboken, New York

Also search her podcast in your podcast player, Well-Adjusted Mama

Site to find a pediatric specialized chiropractor

Klaire Labs Infant Probiotic Formula  


Listen to the interview below, and get subscribed on your podcast player!

iTunes link

My Story with Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP

Well, this show is a little different.  It's just me talking about me, from before I was conceived to now.  I talk about how I was raised and how it shaped me.  I talk about some of my struggles in health and business, and how I've overcome them (mostly!)

My business mentor challenged me to show more of my personality and tell more of my story, so I figured this was a place to start!

I hope you can find some things in my story that are relatable or helpful for your life and health.  

And I sincerely appreciate you being a listener and member of our community.  If you are not yet subscribed to our newsletter, you can do so on the main page of our site.

You can also join our Podcast Fan Club, which is a private Facebook group where you can share thoughts and questions.

If you are a fan of the show, we'd love for you to share it with an iTunes review.  (You'll need to log in to iTunes to write it.)

Listen to the audio below, or get subscribed weekly on iTunes or most podcast players.

Hugs and Health, Bridgit

Hello, World!

Reducing Toxins for a Healthy Conception with Lara Adler

Lara Adler is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and an Environmental Toxins Expert, and, let me tell you something, this girl knows her toxins.  Many of us know a thing or two about toxins, but Lara knows everything!

Today we talk about the influence of toxins on fertility and our growing babies. Because developing fetuses are so much more susceptible to the mal-effects of toxins, and because the effects can last a lifetime, it is important that we learn how to protect them as much as is possible.

However this episode is helpful for anyone who is curious about toxins and how to reduce them.  

Tired of having that same old argument with your uncle Ron, with him saying that there is no reason to be worried about RoundUp and food coloring and the like? Now you have some ammunition!

In this episode, we'll learn:

  • That indoor air quality can be 50-100 times worse than outdoors

  • That some chemicals are neurotoxins, especially in developing baby

  • The chemicals are linked to PCOS (leading cause of sub-fertility)

  • The chemicals linked to fertility issues in men

  • How birth defects on boy babies are on the rise

  • That being pregnant detoxes chemicals out of mom and into baby

  • That avoiding BPA is not enough and why

  • And Lara's three best first steps to reduce your toxic load

To learn more about Lara, visit her site here.  Lara specializes in teaching practitioners, but will be expanding her offerings to the public over time.  

You can listen through the audio player below.  But the best way to get this and all our interviews, wherever you are, is to be subscribed to our podcast.

Yummy Carrot Parsnip Mash

If you haven't yet discovered the pure delight of parsnips, now is the time!

This easy mash takes no time at all, and your guests will find you very fancy.


  • 3 carrots, peeled and cut into big chunks

  • 4 parsnips, peeled and cut into big chunks

  • 3/4 leek, cut into thin slices (avoid possible dirt in upper leek)

  • 1 cup bone broth or water

  •  about 2 T butter

  • salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste (about 1/4 teaspoon of each)


  • Set the broth or water to boil in a medium, covered pot.  

  • Add leeks, carrots, parsnips.  

  • Boil covered on medium until totally soft.  Add butter.  

  • Use immersion blender to mash until smooth.  If you don't have an immersion blender, you can dump all ingredients into your external food processor to blend.

  • Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste, and mix well.

  • Serve, optionally, each portion in a little serving cup, topped with a dash of nutmeg.  Delicious!

  • Makes about 5 servings.


A Natural Approach to Fertility with Dr. Aumatma Shah, ND



Infertility is not a disease, it’s a symptom.  When we are in optimal health, we are fertile.  Dr. Aumatma Shah

Having been in the fertility field a while myself, I really appreciate Dr. Aumatma's lighthearted, compassionate, and inquisitive attitude about fertility.  It is all too easy to get discouraged, melodramatic, etc, and she does none of that.

Trying to get pregnant, and not initially succeeding, is incredibly stressful.  To have someone on your team who is a bright light of hope can be a game changer.

Dr. Aumatma is a naturopathic physician, and her approach to fertility includes the following:


She will, as the case demands, run tests on:

  • Full thyroid panel

  • Food sensitivity test

  • Detox panel

  • Nutrients panel

  • Genomics profile


As our endocrine systems are so sensitive to toxins, and there are so dang many of them out there, detoxification can be vital.


Get nutrients into the body and healing with homeopathics are some of her techniques.


Releasing past traumas and re-learning to be a receptive female again in this man's world are examples of what she can help.

Dr. Aumatma offered a free gift to our community, which is a "How Fertile Am I?" quiz that she will personally review.

If you are needing a little sunshine in your fertility shadow, you've got to listen to this interview below!

Are you subscribed to our podcast yet?  Come on and get in with us (:

Overcoming Anxiety Without Medication with Dr. Kim D'Eramo

I really enjoyed interviewing Dr. Kim D'Eramo.  For one thing, she is incredibly lively and fun.  For another, it's exciting to think that we have way more ability than we realize to heal ourselves.

She had a career as an emergency room physician, but meanwhile, since her teenage years and her own experience with anxiety, she was learning about how to harness the power of her own thoughts.  Over time, her friends would send their friends with anxiety to Kim to learn about this mind-body stuff that she does.  

She practices, among other things, emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping.

She no longer works in the ER, but has dedicated herself to mind-body medicine, and established the American Institute of Mind-Body Medicine, where she teaches both physicians and individuals how to heal with these simple tools of which we all have access.

So many of my female clients over the years have complained of anxiety.  Some men too, but more often women.  So I looked it up, and here is what the Anxiety and Depression Association of America had to say about it:

From the time a girl reaches puberty until about the age of 50, she is twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder as a man. Anxiety disorders also occur earlier in women than in men.

Women are also more likely to have multiple psychiatric disorders during their lifetime than men. The most common to co-occur with anxiety is depression.

Differences in brain chemistry may account for at least part of these differences. The brain system involved in the fight-or-flight response is activated more readily in women and stays activated longer than men, partly as a result of the action of estrogen and progesterone.

The neurotransmitter serotonin may also play a role in responsiveness to stress and anxiety. Some evidence suggests that the female brain does not process serotonin as quickly as the male brain. Recent research has found that women are more sensitive to low levels of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a hormone that organizes stress responses in mammals, making them twice as vulnerable as men to stress-related disorders.

Dr. Kim is offering a series of free videos right now where you can get techniques to use right away to deal with anxiety.  Click on the images below to access these videos.  What do you have to lose?!



If you have had successful with wrangling anxiety, please share your wisdom below!

Addressing Pelvic Pain and Infertility with Dr. Jennifer Mercier

Dr. Jennifer Mercier is a triple threat: naturopath, massage therapist and midwife.  I kind of fall in love with her work on the episode, as you'll hear!  

It was Jennifer's own experience with stage 4 endometriosis, coupled with her medical training, that helped her develop the Mercier Therapy.

Mercier Therapy is her own system of abdominal therapy that works with the ligaments and organs to move them into alignment with the goals of restoring function and /or reducing pain.

For women, it can help us have a smoother cycle, recover from surgeries, improve our fertility and heal trauma.

I find so many have strange sensations in their abdomens that they worry about. And many have complications form C section or even a natural birth, and feel there are no options to heal.  Still other have unexplained infertility, that can potentially respond to a new approach.

Jennifer works locally in St. Charles, IL, but also trains practitioners in other states and countries.  That means if this type of work speaks to you, you may be able to fidn a practitioner in your area.  And if you are practitioner, training is available.  

Her clinic

Her training program

Find a practitioner

The Mercier Movie

We are hosting a free Recipe Party Jan 9 -31, 2016. See new blog post to join!

Listen to the Interview

You can listen to the interview through the player below, but even better is to get subscribed to Women's Wellness Radio through your Apple or Android podcast player!

Join the January Recipe Party

This was a recipe for Chicken Tajine from Mediterranean Paleo that turned out so delicious.  

This was a recipe for Chicken Tajine from Mediterranean Paleo that turned out so delicious.  

I was calling this a "Recipe Challenge," but realized that sounded too intimidating!  This is actually the least intimidating challenge...

How the Recipe Party Started

I love to cook but am bad about cracking a recipe book, or planning out what I need for recipes at the store.  I also have fantasies that I will compete on Masterchef someday, so I need to broaden my knowledge!!!

Anyway, at first I thought, "I'm going to cook one new recipe a day in January!" Then I realized that is pretty demanding, and it's hard to start right after the holidays.  So I softened it up a bit.

What is the Recipe Party

The Recipe Party is simply a way for us to get inspired in cooking new things by sharing with and supporting each other.  We will do this through our private Facebook group.  You will have to ask to join the group first since it's a private group.  

How the Recipe Party Works

Starting January 9, you can resolve to make as little or as many recipes as you want through January 30.  You can do literally only one new recipe if you want.  That might be enough for you with your schedule, or your cooking history!

You can use recipes from a website you like, from your Grandmother, or from some recipe books that are collecting dust on your shelves.

You can cook vegetarian, all desserts, or paleo.  It's up to you!

So as you can see, there are no rules at all in this recipe party.  

What to Do Next

Go to the Facebook group and ask to join.  Once I have clicked the approval, please come post an introduction of yourself.

Here's an example:

"Hi I'm Bridgit and I'm from Portland, OR.  The books I'm going to cook from are the Ketogenic Cookbook, Mediterranean Paleo and the Virgin cookbook.  I intend to cook 3 new recipes a week, probably 2 on the weekend and 2 during the week.  Looking forward to getting to know you, and trying some, new yummy foods!"

That's it!  From there you are welcome to share successful recipes, or complete failures.  This is not meant to be stressful, so don't beat yourself up if you don't cook as much as you planned.  

The reason I like short-term challenges (or parties) is that it rocks us out of our routine, and then maybe we realize some easy way to shop for recipes, or we start creating our own recipes, or joining in with neighbors to can fruit.  Things happen when we push ourselves in a new direction, and hopefully we can do it in a fun and supportive way.

See you on the group!  Bridgit

My Top Ten Supplements of 2015

Is it weird that I love supplements so much??

Is it weird that I love supplements so much??

I took me about 2 minutes to gather up a bunch of my fav supplements.  Which didn't surprise me too much as I'm a connoisseur of supplements!  If I learn about something new, I like to try it. There is rarely a supplement I recommend to clients that I do not have personal experience in taking. 

What I find interesting about this collection of ten favorites, is that only 3 are in pill form.  So many people complain about not liking to take a lot of pills.  You don't have to take pills!  Most everything comes in a topical form or a liquid form.  

Also many people tell me that they want to eat to get their vitamins.  That's all well and good, but as Mira and Jayson Calton point out, of the handful of most popular diets, including paleo, none delivered 100% of our daily micronutrient needs.  However, with some of the above supplements, you can drink your nutrition in a tasty beverage.  

The following products are in no particular order.  They are all fabulous.  They cannot all be found over-the-counter. Some are available only through providers.  

If a product is meant to be sold only through providers, DO NOT attempt to buy it on the internet.  You do not know what you are really getting in these cases.  I will detail more about how to get each below.

1.  Aloe Vera Juice, whole leaf by Lily of the Desert

The one picture above is not whole leaf, but I later learned whole leaf is best (although inner filet is closely comparable.)  The whole leaf contains more variety of beneficial compounds.

Aloe is an amazing tummy soother, gut lining healer, stem-cell stimulating miracle food, and a great wing-man to get your other herbs and supplements.  It's so powerful!

You can buy it at your local natural foods store.  Keep it in the fridge and drink it within a few weeks for best taste.  You can take an ounce or two twice daily.  As mentioned above, pair it with your supplements for better absorption.  Sometimes I like to put in shot in a glass of water.  You could also add it to a smoothie or green drink.  It has a bit of a sour taste.

2.  Natural Calm by Natural Vitality

This is a new magnesium I tried, and I don't 100% love the taste and effervescence, but it is a popular one, and it's a good example of a great way to get magnesium.  You mix it into water, and it is well absorbed. Magnesium is very good for women's hormones.  It helps us make progesterone and avoid cramps and PMS.  

You can buy this at your natural grocery store.  Take up to 600 mg/ day in divided doses.  Start will a smaller dose to watch for reactions.  As with all supplements, ask your doctor if on prescriptions or if dealing with a special health concern.

3.  Mega Spore Biotic

This probiotic is sweeping our Functional Diagnostic Nutrition community!  It is spore-based (picture those tiny bits of mold you see on rotting produce) which is better for colonizing the colon.  

I am unfortunately one of those people who doesn't necessarily feel a ton different on probiotics, but I do have a success story.  I had an irregular bacteria profile on my stool test, and took Mega Spore.  My bacteria was normalized on the re-test.

One thing I learned about probiotics this year is that taking it twice a day can have added benefit.  And taking it at night can help you have a nice BM the next day, as all that bacteria helps make for bulky stool.  

This product is not cheap and is sold only through providers.  Once you have a provider, you can re-order online.  See more here.

4.  GI Revive by Designs for Health

This formula was suggested to me by my mentor in the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program. I love it.  It is so soothing for my gut.  I would imagine it would be very nice for those people who feel it's hard to push out their bowel movement.  And it's good for anyone healing leaky gut or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

This product is only sold through practitioners.  I would suggest 1 scoop a day in water for maintenance, and twice daily for added therapeutic value.

5.  O.N.E. Multivitamin by Pure Encapsulations

I discovered this multi this year and I've been recommending it ever since.  It's a good price point on a well-formulated one-a-day.  The B vitamins are methylated / activated, there's lots of zinc, and bit of iodine.

My one problem with this formula is that the high amount of zinc can make me nauseous, so I have to take it with a large meal.  Unfortunately when I try to remember at dinner, I sometimes forget.  It's sold through practitioners.  Learn more here.

6.  Gelatin powder by Great Lakes

I'm really crazy about this easy-to-use gelatin powder.  You can use it to make jello treats with the kids, or make it into a cup of broth.  

This grass-fed collagen and gelatin powder is good for building the gut, calming the nerves and nourishing skin an nails.  I've have seen it only once locally at a co-op.  Mainly it is found online.

7.  Vitamin D3 + K2 by Thorne

Vitamin D is still a nutrient most people don't get enough of, even though we know more about it now.  If you are dealing with low immunity, Seasonal Affective Disorder, inflammation or an autoimmune disease, pay special attention. I like to see vitamin D in the 60-80 range on a blood test.

This vitamin D is in the right form, and is paired with K2 for best absorption.  It's in an easy dropper, so you don't need to take a pile of pills.  I like 5,000 IU a day for maintenance, but you can safely go up to 20,000 IU day temporarily if you are trying to correct a big depletion.

This product is sold through practitioners.  

8.  Omega Co3 by Apex Energetics

Apex has very well-formulated products, and this Omega Co3 has become the staple fish oil in our house.  It tastes delicious, and has lots of co-factors to help absorption.  My son takes it very well.  

Fish oil helps us burn fat, have a smart brain, and ward off colds.  It is very important for pregnant and breastfeeding women, to build baby's brain.  It is sold through practitioners.

9.  Adapt Align by Biomatrix

This is a diverse adrenal support, with adaptogens, key vitamins and glandulars.  When I was taking it more regularly, it really seemed to help.  I was taking two in the morning, and then another two at lunch before my afternoon slump.  This one is sold through practitioners as well.

10.  Resvero Active and Tumero Active by Apex Energetics

I snuck in a two for one on this last one!  These two are often paired together, as they are both natural anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories that seem to have a synergy when dosed together.

The first time I took Tumero Active, I couldn't believe that my body felt less achy within an hour. Taking it over the course of a month, some heightened brain fog I was experiencing went away.

The Tumero and Resvero together are often recommended for autoimmune conditions and runaway inflammatory conditions.  I recently had a client take them together for her stubborn plantar fasciitis.  She was very pleased with the outcome.

These products are sold through practitioners, especially functional medicine practitioners.  

I had a lot of fun writing up this list!  Hope it's helpful to you.  Feel free to share your questions or comments below.

When Natural Medicine Isn't Enough

Last week in the newsletter I mentioned I had ‘‘the Plague.” Later that day I found out I had a bacterial infection in my throat, and am now on antibiotics for the first time in over 20 years.

Since I was going to be on antibiotics anyway, I asked the doctor to prescribe me an additional formula to treat an H. pylori infection that I've had trouble getting rid of herbally.  So I’m on a very potent cocktail that leaves me feeling pretty miserable digestively!

The Backstory:

My new reality.

My new reality.

After being sick for nine days, taking tons of herbs, using a steam, and taking tons of supplements, I was not getting any better. My throat killed and I had chills. I learned in a seminar once that if you don't treat strep throat, the infection can affect an area of the brain and cause permanent obsessive-compulsive disorder.  In this case, I knew the antibiotics were best for me.

Getting on antibiotics brought up some feelings. Here I was, a major proponent of natural medicine, taking antibiotics. What would people think?

I thought this was a great opportunity to talk about when natural medicine isn't enough.

When I first began to work in the fertility field, I thought basically any case could be cured by natural medicine.  But after becoming more of a veteran in the field, I think in some cases high tech interventions give us our best opportunities for success.

Sometimes holding on too long to our values in natural medicine can cause more harm and heartache than good. Antibiotics have been overused for many years, but in some cases they are truly needed.

I am thankful I have not had to use antibiotics in so long, and I hope I can go another 20 years. But if I or my family is ever in an emergency, or are having a serious or urgent health condition, I will always consider all my options. I will choose more modern or conventional medicine if needed.

Several years ago, when my son was an infant, he had a cough that wouldn't go away. I was struggling new mom and tried some homeopathics and probiotics,  but the cough went on for a couple months. 

Finally I gave him antibiotics prescribed by his pediatrician. The cough went away, but as time went by I felt guilty. Why didn't I look into other options? Did I ruin my son’s gut, and that’s why he tends towards constipation now?

After my own recent incident with illness, I started to forgive myself that I once gave antibiotics to my son. Perhaps it really was the best or only option. Perhaps he's just constipated because I just can't get that kid to drink water!

Luckily with my natural medicine knowledge, I know I will restore my gut. I am also very thankful that my painful throat is gone, and I’m hopeful the H Pylori infection will be eradicated. 

If you too struggle with some of these choices, I hope this article was helpful.  You're welcome to share your thoughts below on this topic.

How to Choose the Right Work Out with Zlata Sushchik


You can almost guess by her name that Zlata Sushchik has an interesting story.  Immigrating from Russia to Alaska as a teen, and new to the English language, she stumbled into a saving grace when a friend convinced her to join a bodybuilding competition.

She went on the win many titles, and learned a lot about nutrition, fitness and motivation along the way.  She now runs an online coaching business called SexyFit which has helped many women lose weight and feel great in a healthy way.

You can also check out her podcast, where I was a guest on episode #30.

I consider myself a half-way fit person, but I know very little about the best ways to work out in comparison to Zlata.  She shares in this interview a comparison of different work out methods, and some advanced ways to approach your gym work out.

She also shares her views on food, which include not being too rigid, eating whole foods, and avoiding scammy weight loss products.  She has also learned that in order to really get fit and lose weight, you need to identify your 'big why' to keep yourself motivated.

Having burned out her adrenals in the early years of her competition days, she had to cut back on exercise a lot to recover.  So she is well versed in meeting women where they are, and choosing the right exercise for each stage.

I really enjoyed this interview with Zlata, and I know you will too!  Hey, if you aren't yet subscribed, check it out on iTunes or most podcast players.

Have Sex Like a Cave Woman! with Dr. Lauren Noel, ND

In this fun interview, I talk with Dr. Lauren Noel of Shine Natural Medicine in Solana Beach, CA. Dr. Noel, who also goes by Dr. Lo, on how to use a primal lifestyle and diet to boost libido.

In our busy modern lives, stress can inhibit our hormone production. Learn how the attributes of a primal / ancestral lifestyle can be brought into your life, and increase your natural sex drive.

Here's a preview:

  • What Dr. Lo considers to be the #1 killer of sex drive

  • How many hours a week cavemen worked (hint: you probably work at least double)

  • What is the best kind of exercise to feel good and increase your libido

  • How the good stuff like sleep and community helps our sex drive

  • Is coffee helping or hindering your sex drive?

  • How common is low libido?

Here are some of Lauren's favorite aphrodisiac foods:

  • Liver

  • Oysters

  • Figs

  • Avocado

  • Dark chocolate

You can find out more about Dr. Lo at and pick up her free Tired but Wired ebook.  You can also look find her popular podcast, the Dr. Lo Radio Show, on iTunes or other podcast players.

Hey!  Are you subscribed to our podcast yet?  If not, do so on iTunes or other podcast players.

Have you taken our Hidden Health Stressors quiz?  Check it out here!

Please leave any notes or comments below.

Finding Balance While Feeding Your Family Well with Holly Morello


Holly Morello is a mother of three boys, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a certified GAPS diet practitioner.  She is also a project manager for author and health coach Diane San Filippo

As she tried to help her youngest son's health through nutrition, she began to blame herself when outcomes were not as good as expected.  She struggled with how much her family got involved, with public eating settings, and with isolating herself.

She comes clean on this episode about all she went through, and how she came out on the other side.  

She also shares how simply being on a wrong type of diet (a low-fat diet) contributed to the lack of results for her son's health.

In the end she re-connected with her family, her kids actually chose to get on board with dietary changes (more in the healthy fats/ whole foods camp), and her kids' health improved.

She now has a much healthier attitude about food and family and has "ditched the perfectionism."

If you are a parent struggling with how to feed your kids, or being hard on yourself because of your kids' health, please listen in and you won't feel alone.

Learn more about Holly's services at

Thirteen People Who Have Helped My Health This Year

As I was organizing for an article on WHAT has improved my health this year, I realized I first need to write about WHO has improved my health this year.

I realized that every new health idea came from a person, whether someone quite close to me, or someone I never have met.

So here goes:

 1.  My husband Travis

Travis called me out on some ways that I have been bringing negativity into my communication and home life.  Sometimes we need to be called out!  Knowing that my son and husband are the most important people in my life, I’ve really been trying to be more calm and loving in my daily interactions.  

2.  My son Lincoln

My seven-year-old son is so sweet and caring, and so curious and excited about the world.  He teaches me about the real meaning of life.

3.  My office manager Amy

It’s not easy to run a small business, and for years I struggled with feeling unsupported.  I am so thankful to have Amy who offers the dedication that allows me more breathing room.

4.  My FDN mentors

This year I completed my course in Functional Diagnosis Nutrition.  I am completely fascinated by functional medicine and am grateful for all I am learning about my own health through this work.  My special thanks to Reed Davis, Ann Melin and Lisa Pomeroy.

5.  My yoga teachers

I fell away from yoga as some of my favorite teachers moved to other studios.  To my delight they joined forces and opened up a very sweet studio, Love Hive Yoga, where I’ve been falling in love with the practice all over again.

6. My staff at Blue Sky

I am so lucky to be surrounded by people who make light of leaking roofs and rodents with jokes and smiles.  If only every work place could be so fun.

7.  My local practitioners

Some years ago I became obsessed with the online world.  Over time I realize that online is great, but it can never fully replace in-person contact.  I am thankful for the massages, cranio-sacral therapy and acupuncture that keep me in close communication with my body.

8.  My new friend Pista

I told a new friend about this crazy practice I heard about called the Miracle Morning where you get up early to do 6 self-help habits.  He said, “great, let’s do it!”  Thanks to him I am actually getting up and doing this powerful practice.

9.  My colleagues

I am blessed to have a growing network of colleagues who inspire me, believe in me and help me.  I learn from their knowledge and am energized for my mission thanks to them. I’m so happy to share their health expertise with you.

10.  Mother Earth

I heard somewhere that we are least thankful for what we have the most.  So I’ll pause a moment to be thankful for the air I breathe and the gravity that holds me to this beautiful planet.

11. My farmers and grocers

How lucky am I that I only have to go about two miles to get fresh, organic groceries?  Thanks to the people at my favorite market, New Seasons, to our CSA this year, Winslow Food Forest, and to all the farmers and ranchers who may never meet me me but keep me alive!

12.  My support companies

Here’s a shout out to the supplement and lab companies I work with.  The labs we can run nowadays are so sophisticated and amazing, and the supplement formulations we have access to are equally so.

13.  You!

Having an online community is something I really enjoy.  Imagine so many women, with so many backgrounds and stories, with a common striving for health.  Thank you!

I could go on and on, but I’ll call it for now!  Stay tuned for some of my favorite STUFF that kept me healthy this year.  ~Bridgit

Is there anyone you'd like to thank?  Please share below.  It feels good to state it publicly, and it feels good for us to read it too!

Food as Medicine with Pharmacist and Health Coach, Ahn Nguyen

Dr. Anh Nguyen always wanted to be a pharmacist, and enjoyed many aspects of the work.  But she realized people were just getting on more and more medications, and were never really coming off of them.  

She was curious about how she could help people come off medications safely, and how to use food as medicine instead.  

This led her to study health coaching and functional medicine.  She also got interested in bodybuilding and started to train for competitions.  Meanwhile she was dealing with illness in her family, which led to her own compromised health.

She shares some of her learnings with us on this interview.  Here's what we talk about:

  • How to approach pharmaceuticals in a safer way

  • How pharmaceuticals can cause nutrient depletions

  • How pharmaceuticals can cause thyroid symptoms

  • Which nutritional supplements she recommends to restore thyroid health

and much more.  

Dr. Anh hosts a popular weekly podcast called Food As Medicine that you can find on iTunes or through her website,  

I was her guest on episode 49, talking about Fertility After Age 35.  


Thanks for checking out the show!  If you like it, we really appreciate you telling a friend.  If you're not yet subscribed, please take a moment to do so through your podcast player.  


Have a Healthy Relationship with Money with Janin Johnston

Money has power, and energy.  How do you relate to money?  

Do you label money as good, or bad?

Do you overspend it, only to feel guilty later?

Do you avoid it, never checking your bank account?

Are you afraid of it, that you'll never have enough?

Do you feel worthy of spending money on your health, or your pleasure?

Is money the topic of a lot of arguments with your spouse/partner?

Today's interview is a bit out of the box of what you'd traditionally think of as health care, but I find this too-rarely-discussed subject very important.

Money can be a major source of worry, which can severely affect our health.  Money, or fear of spending it, can affect our health care decisions.  Money is also about the biggest reason that couples fight, which again affects our health and happiness.

I hope you can take a little time to listen to this conversation about money and women with our guest expert Janin Johnston of Fashionable Finance.  Janin is a really sweet and bright woman form Hawaii and she is actually an expert on finance and fashion...which is perhaps the goal of many women!

If you'd like to share anything about how you've learned to manage money in a healthy way, please do so below.

If you are not yet a part of our Women's Wellness community, sign up for our Hidden Health Stressors quiz on our main page, and you get our latest blogs, videos and interviews every week!

These interviews are also available as weekly podcasts through iTunes or most podcast players.

Warm Regards, Bridgit

The Thyroid Brain Connection with Dr. Peter Kan, DC

Low thyroid symptoms are most commonly known to be weight gain, hair loss or cold hands and feet. Our guest expert today, Dr. Peter Kan, points out that brain symptoms such as brain fog, memory loss and balance issues could also be related to the state of the thyroid.